Do You Want To Prevent Future Repair Problems? It's Not Too Late To Do This Winter Maintenance Checklist
Properly prepping your home for the winter months could save you from spending money on costly repairs.
There are some simple maintenance tasks you can do in the fall season to ensure a smooth winter season and get your house ready for winter.
I've listed some low cost tasks below that could save you time and money down the road.
1. Winterize pipes and outdoor faucets-As the temperature begins to drop below 40 degrees any water that's exposed to those frigid temps will freeze. Water expands when it freezes but the water left in a hose has nowhere to expand to. The copper pipe that feeds the water to the hose will eventually split. The task for this fix is to make sure your hoses have no water left in them, wrap them up and put them away.
Cover the water spout with a foam box. If you have a basement or crawl space with exposed pipes, protect them with foam pipe covers.
2. Clean your gutters-after all of the fall foliage has fallen check how your gutters are attached to your house and get rid of any debris. You want to make sure no clogs or blockages are created. Repeat this task after the spring thaw.
3. Remove leaves and potential tree hazards-trim back any limbs or branches that hang over your roof or are over electric lines, phone cables or gas lines that run to your house. This will help prevent roof damage and utility problems.
4. Inspect your furnace-schedule a professional to check to ensure that it's properly vented and that it won't be obstructed by winter weather. Check your carbon monoxide alarms and replace if necessary.
5. Check your dryer exhaust-ensure no lint is clogging the dryer vent hose to prevent it from being a fire hazard.
Get in the habit of performing these tasks twice a year to keep your home and your loved ones safe and sound.
#Winterize pipes #winter preparedness #get your house ready for winter
Priscilla Hammond, Real Estate Agent
RE/MAX Consultants Realty 1
1625 SE 17th St. Causeway
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316
Cell 305-783-4269
Office 954-767-4667
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